Create and control text browser.
This class is a JS wrapper around Qt's QTextBrowser class
A QTextBrowser
provides ability to add and manipulate native text browser widgets.
const { QTextBrowser } = require("@nodegui/nodegui");
const textBrowser = new QTextBrowser();
↳ QTextEdit‹QTextBrowserSignals›
↳ QTextBrowser
- _id
- acceptDrops
- acceptRichText
- accessibleDescription
- accessibleName
- activateWindow
- addAction
- addEventListener
- adjustSize
- alignment
- append
- autoFillBackground
- autoFormatting
- backward
- backwardHistoryCount
- baseSize
- canPaste
- childAt
- children
- childrenRect
- clear
- clearFocus
- clearHistory
- clearMask
- close
- colorCount
- contentsRect
- contextMenuPolicy
- copy
- currentFont
- cursorWidth
- cut
- delete
- deleteLater
- depth
- devicePixelRatio
- devicePixelRatioF
- documentTitle
- dumpObjectInfo
- dumpObjectTree
- ensureCursorVisible
- ensurePolished
- eventProcessed
- focusProxy
- focusWidget
- font
- fontFamily
- fontItalic
- fontPointSize
- fontUnderline
- fontWeight
- forward
- forwardHistoryCount
- frameGeometry
- frameRect
- frameShadow
- frameShape
- frameSize
- frameStyle
- frameWidth
- geometry
- getFlexNode
- grab
- grabKeyboard
- grabMouse
- hasFocus
- hasHeightForWidth
- hasMouseTracking
- hasTabletTracking
- height
- heightForWidth
- heightMM
- hide
- historyTitle
- historyUrl
- home
- horizontalScrollBar
- inherits
- inputMethodHints
- insertHtml
- insertPlainText
- isActiveWindow
- isAncestorOf
- isBackwardAvailable
- isEnabled
- isEnabledTo
- isForwardAvailable
- isFullScreen
- isHidden
- isMaximized
- isMinimized
- isModal
- isReadOnly
- isUndoRedoEnabled
- isVisible
- isVisibleTo
- isWindow
- isWindowModified
- killTimer
- layout
- lineWidth
- lineWrapColumnOrWidth
- lineWrapMode
- logicalDpiX
- logicalDpiY
- lower
- mapFrom
- mapFromGlobal
- mapFromParent
- mapTo
- mapToGlobal
- mapToParent
- maximumHeight
- maximumSize
- maximumViewportSize
- maximumWidth
- midLineWidth
- minimumHeight
- minimumSize
- minimumSizeHint
- minimumWidth
- move
- nativeParentWidget
- nextInFocusChain
- normalGeometry
- objectName
- openExternalLinks
- openLinks
- overwriteMode
- paintingActive
- parent
- parentWidget
- paste
- physicalDpiX
- physicalDpiY
- placeholderText
- pos
- previousInFocusChain
- property
- raise
- rect
- redo
- releaseKeyboard
- releaseMouse
- releaseShortcut
- reload
- removeAction
- removeEventListener
- repaint
- repolish
- resize
- scrollToAnchor
- selectAll
- setAcceptDrops
- setAcceptRichText
- setAccessibleDescription
- setAccessibleName
- setAlignment
- setAttribute
- setAutoFillBackground
- setAutoFormatting
- setBaseSize
- setContentsMargins
- setContextMenuPolicy
- setCurrentFont
- setCursor
- setCursorWidth
- setDisabled
- setDocumentTitle
- setEnabled
- setEventProcessed
- setFixedHeight
- setFixedSize
- setFixedWidth
- setFlexNodeSizeControlled
- setFocus
- setFocusPolicy
- setFocusProxy
- setFont
- setFontFamily
- setFontItalic
- setFontPointSize
- setFontUnderline
- setFontWeight
- setFrameRect
- setFrameShadow
- setFrameShape
- setFrameStyle
- setGeometry
- setGraphicsEffect
- setHidden
- setHorizontalScrollBar
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy
- setHtml
- setInlineStyle
- setInputMethodHints
- setLayout
- setLineWidth
- setLineWrapColumnOrWidth
- setLineWrapMode
- setMaximumHeight
- setMaximumSize
- setMaximumWidth
- setMidLineWidth
- setMinimumHeight
- setMinimumSize
- setMinimumWidth
- setMouseTracking
- setObjectName
- setOpenExternalLinks
- setOpenLinks
- setOverwriteMode
- setParent
- setPlaceholderText
- setPlainText
- setProperty
- setReadOnly
- setShortcutAutoRepeat
- setShortcutEnabled
- setSizeIncrement
- setSizePolicy
- setSource
- setStatusTip
- setStyleSheet
- setTabChangesFocus
- setTabStopDistance
- setTabletTracking
- setText
- setTextBackgroundColor
- setTextColor
- setTextInteractionFlags
- setToolTip
- setToolTipDuration
- setUndoRedoEnabled
- setUpdatesEnabled
- setVerticalScrollBar
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy
- setViewport
- setVisible
- setWhatsThis
- setWindowFilePath
- setWindowFlag
- setWindowIcon
- setWindowModified
- setWindowOpacity
- setWindowRole
- setWindowState
- setWindowTitle
- setWordWrapMode
- show
- showFullScreen
- showMaximized
- showMinimized
- showNormal
- size
- sizeHint
- sizeIncrement
- source
- stackUnder
- startTimer
- statusTip
- style
- styleSheet
- tabChangesFocus
- tabStopDistance
- testAttribute
- textInteractionFlags
- toHtml
- toPlainText
- toolTip
- toolTipDuration
- underMouse
- undo
- unsetCursor
- unsetLayoutDirection
- unsetLocale
- update
- updateGeometry
- updateMicroFocus
- updatesEnabled
- verticalScrollBar
- viewport
- whatsThis
- width
- widthMM
- winId
- window
- windowFilePath
- windowHandle
- windowIcon
- windowOpacity
- windowRole
- windowState
- windowTitle
- wordWrapMode
- x
- y
- zommIn
- zoomOut
+ new QTextBrowser(arg?
: QWidget‹QWidgetSignals› | NativeElement): QTextBrowser
Overrides QTextEdit.constructor
Name | Type |
arg? | QWidget‹QWidgetSignals› | NativeElement |
Returns: QTextBrowser
• _rawInlineStyle: string
Inherited from QMenu._rawInlineStyle